
I guess most of you start to know Yutaka after watching one of those dramas below. Which one is your favorite? For me, I find Hoshi no Kinka the best! Takumi is my all time favorite. ^__^

bullet Boku-no Shushoku (10/4 - 26/6/1994)
bullet Tokyo Daigaku Monogatari (10/10 - 19/12/1994)
bullet Hoshi no Kinka (12/4 - 12/7/1995)
bullet Love Hasn't Started Yet (16/10 - 18/12/1995)
bullet Long Vacation (15/4 - 24/6/1996)
bullet Zohu Hoshi no Kinka (9/10 - 25/12/1996)
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bullet Risou no Kekkon (17/1 - 21/3/1997)
bullet Beachboys (7/7 - 30/9/1997)
bullet Beachboys Special (2/1/1998)
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bullet With Love (14/4 - 30/6/1998)
bullet Seikimatsu no Uta (14/10 - 23/12/1998)
bullet Koori no Sekai (11/10 - 20/12/1999)
bullet Merry Christmas in Summer (13/10 - 15/12/2000)
bullet Dekichatta Kekkon (2/7 - ) 
bullet NHK Taiga Dorama -  Toshiie to Matsu (1/2001 ~  )
bullet Psycho Doctor (9/10/2002 -   )  *NEW*

Back to HOME This page is created by Elaine on 2 Feb 99. Last update on 8 Oct 2002.