Yutaka's first movie debut ~ Calmi Cuori Appassionati

The press conference of this movie was held on 13 Feb 2001. More than 200 reporters were gather together in a hotel in Ginza, Tokyo at noon.

News from East Weekly (15 Feb 2001)

Actually I can't agree with the comment on Yutaka's attitude towards Kelly. They made people feel like Yutaka is an impolite and non-professional actor. I don't know why they have to write in this way? Is it necessary to harm an actor with such non sense comment? Anyway, don't be too serious on what's on the article. If you're Yutaka's fans, you'll know what is right or wrong. 

本來我也不知道有這篇報導, 不是有朋友告訴我, 所以也買來看看, 竟然有人把竹野內豊形容成一個沒有禮貌, 無風度的人.

笑容欠奉就是cool, 說話謹慎就是"哦哦", 沒有正面看對方就是不對, 坐下沒有為對方拉椅子又是沒有風度, 問對方懂幾多日語又說是不好(其實我相信豊與kelly在記者會的第一句話, 都應該不是問她有關日語的程度, 那可能是在記者會之前見面時就問及的問題), 問及對kelly的印象時, 回答覺得對方很高又不對 (事實上kelly站在豊的身邊, 大家的高度也相差不遠, 覺得kelly高是正常不過!), 偶爾拍到一張半張合起雙眼的照片, 就被說成在打瞌睡, 連打呵欠都有罪! 難道把人貶低就可以抬高自己嗎? 很多時我都不明白為何香港的傳媒那麼喜歡做文章? 記者會上真的只有這些事情值得去報導嗎?

This page is created on 18 Feb 2001.